Frequently Asked Indoor Tanning Questions

Why choose indoor tanning? Tanning indoors is a smart way to expose you skin to UV light, whether you’re trying to get a tan, get some much needed Vitamin D, or trying to improve a skin condition (such as acne or psoriasis).  By tanning in beds that are regulated you can control how much exposure you get so that you don’t sunburn.

Is tanning safe? Indoor UV tanning provides the same benefits and risks as outdoor tanning.  Both feel good and can improve your appearance.  Moderation is the key to playing it safe.  Don’t EVER sunburn!  Sunburn is not a base for a tan, it only damages your skin and increases your risk for developing melanoma.

Gradually building a base tan actually protects your skin from sunburn and decreases risk.  Not only is it helpful in preventing sunburn but tanning also provides much needed Vitamin D in its natural form.  Vitamin D deficiencies are widely seen in northern climates where people are not in the sun enough throughout the year.  Researchers are not finding that a lack of Vitamin D contributes to deadly cancer such as lung, breast and colon cancer.  Staying out of the sun is proving to be unsafe.

How do I build a base tan? For those who have struggled with trying to get a good tan, who burns easily or who have fair skin:

It’s a good idea to start with the Level 2 beds for 5-6 minutes as they are less strong.  You can then slowly increase your tan time.  The maximum FDA regulated time is 15 minutes.

Visit the salon frequently for short sessions.  Tan every other day or every two days in the beginning but keep your minutes low – you are building your color frequency not necessarily with how long you go.  Consistency is the key to building a base tan.  If you wait too long between sessions, you tan will fade and you will lose what you’ve already worked for.

Use an accelerating lotion. Lotions stimulate the melanin in your skin faster than tanning alone.  They also provide much needed moisture (dry skin deflects rays) to make your tan last longer and put back nutrients into your skin to prevent drying and wrinkling.